Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Tea Party"

This April 15th, the day most Americans spend getting their last minute tax forms filled out and sent in, saw an enormous gathering of concerned patriots around the country. The tax day tea parties of 2009 was one of the most powerful demonstrations seen in this country for quite some time, but many felt that these rallies would remain a one day protest. However, I believe that these meetings helped create enough momentum to set in motion a new grass roots movement aimed at fighting to take back an America that has been tainted with greed and corrupted by politicians who have confused their responsibility of representing the people with representing their own careers and interests.

This past Saturday 24th, I attended a Tea Party in Alton, Illinois . The Alton Tea party was a great example of this new grassroots movement, with over 600 residents of the city of Alton joining together to rally against the irresponsible spending and ethically backwards legislation of our federal, as well as local governments. It was a welcome indication of the growing amount of concerned citizens who are realizing the advantages and intelligence of being fiscally and socially conservative.

As Americans, we should all be desperately trying to preserve the Republic on which our founding fathers fought so hard for. It is crucial for those of us who have awoken to see how bad things have gotten to help wake up those citizens around us who are still asleep. It is the traditional conservative way to avoid conflict and remain a silent majority. However, where there is silence there is apathy, and this apathy allows the Democrats to continue to destroy the way of life and freedoms of America. Remaining dormant is just as bad as actively helping this rampant destruction take place.

Once people realize that it is time to take a stand and get involved, there are many ways to do so. To begin with, many tea parties in many parts of the country have websites that give information such as dates and times of more rallies and events. The St. Louis Tea Party website ( information on upcoming events, as well as allows you to register your own tea party, volunteer, or check on past events such as a rally allowing citizens to speak directly to Representative Claire McCaskill.
Another great group to look into is The founder of this group spoke at the Alton Tea Party and his website is a great tool to find information about all things patriotic. It lets you know what is happening, who to contact (elected officials), where everything is taking place, etc.

As Glenn Beck so aptly puts it “If your up [for re election], your out!”


“Government does not give us rights, God gives us rights.”

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Public Option"

The new proposed health care plan, “Public Option,” presented by President Obama, will RAISE our CURRENT TAXES to $1.5 Trillion dollars per year. This failing economy will have no chance of recovery if our government keeps burdening the small businesses, corporations, and upper middle class with more taxes to make up the steep deficit that is now accumulating with the democratic spending machine currently in power.
This plan is just another example of the government creating a dependency on welfare and social programs that is found within all the failed authoritarian societies in history, most notably present day Russia. When our government decides to ignore and disrespect the very foundation it was built upon, namely independence, freedom and the right to a free economy absent from overpowering government control and influence, the citizens of our country have no other choice but to rely on the government for the means to survive, thus in essence selling their freedoms and rights to a government that was created to protect them, aka: Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Bidon, and in general, The Bureaucracy.

This is a trend that is quickly becoming a problem in the United States of America. To maintain the freedoms and rights granted to us by our founding fathers, every citizen of the United States who wants to maintain their quality of life needs to be educated and realize the repercussions that we as Americans will have to face if we continue to allow President Obama to spend our country into debt and pass laws that will keep us there. Obama’s plans on reforming society including Amnesty, Health-care, the stimulus package, the Fairness Doctrine, etc. are all steps toward an eventual failed socialist state.

Before we realize, our simple freedoms, such as smoking a cigarette or driving any car we want, will no longer be allowed through Federal rulings. It is happening right now in the United States, but people don’t see it, and we are all just sitting by and watching as the land of the free is destroyed. When we get to that point, we will have no one else to blame but ourselves.

“Even worse than the cost is the fact that the government couldsoon be running our nation's health care system. Do the wordsAmtrak and U.S. Postal Service ring a bell?”

Pleas Join : to start involving yourself and educating yourself.


“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.”
-Thomas Jefferson