Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Government Surveillance

Big Brother is everywhere these days. The corners of buildings, traffic lights, cell phones, Computers and Newspapers just to name a few. Now Big Brother is talking about being in your car as well. It all starts with the excuse that money flowing into government is waning because citizens are buying less gas than normal. The upcoming cap-and-trade bill is suggesting “an extra tax for the privilege of emitting additional carbon dioxide” and taxing the extra mileage that we drive past the government’s proposed mileage limit. Henry Lamb from St. Louis Metro Voice says,” Why not assign a weekly or monthly cap on auto emissions and shut down the vehicle when that limit is reached? New Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) devices would have that capability…Every American ought to be outraged that such a system is even contemplated.” Lamb goes on to say, “The proposed GPS road tax system could easily be programmed to listen to and record conversations inside any vehicle…Stop a vehicle, lock the vehicle, and notify the ‘jack boots’ that the occupants were en route to a Tea Party.” [Paranoia that gripped Nazi Germany]

The Forth Amendment states that individuals are secure from government intrusion without probable cause and due process. This proposed bill is an outright assault on the rights of American citizens all in the name of environmental extremity. Driving on public roads might be a privilege, but owning and operating a car is an individual right that should not be infringed upon based on environmental propaganda.